Havant Borough Council are currently consulting on the strategy for their new Local Plan, which will guide future development. This is a key opportunity to influence the Council’s strategy and sow the seeds for longer term development opportunities. The consultation is open until 14 November 22.
Havant is a small, heavily constrained borough and it is a challenge to meet housing need within its boundaries. 56% of the Borough is built on compared to the national average of 6%. Whilst brownfield sites will be prioritised in the making of the new Plan, there is an acceptance that development of greenfield land will be needed. There will also be a need to increase housing density in town centres (as opposed to delivering low density suburban estates) to deliver the number of homes needed.
Engaging with the process at this early stage will help shape the future of the Havant area and ensure your interests are promoted.
Havant had been working on a draft Local Plan since 2016, but at examination in 2021, the Inspectors recommended it be withdrawn. There were concerns about whether the housing being proposed was deliverable and also whether legal requirements for public consultation had been met. Havant therefore withdrew the Plan and are starting again. This means there will be further delays in bringing forward new site allocations to meet housing need in the district.
In September 2022, the Council updated their Local Development Scheme (the timetable for producing a new Local Plan) to confirm that they are aiming to have their new Local Plan adopted by 2025.
Furthermore, Havant do not have 5 years’ supply of deliverable housing sites. As such, the presumption in favour of sustainable development applies to development proposals.
Given the Council’s position, if you have land which could be suitable for development in the shorter term and would like to explore the opportunities available, do get in touch. Examples might include sites close to public transport links, an undeveloped parcel of land in a suburban area or a town centre site which could be redeveloped for higher density residential – perhaps a building with the potential for additional storeys.
If you wish to respond to the Local Plan consultation, to influence the strategy moving forward, now is the time. We can help you to develop a bespoke planning strategy and will ensure your interests are promoted throughout the development plan process.
Get in touch with our Hampshire office for further advice.