Local Authority
AppealsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell have gained consent at appeal for two semi-detached dwellings in Winchmore Hill, Enfield.
The scheme was designed to form a logical extension to the existing residential development, with a high-quality design which reflected the best design aspects of the adjacent dwellings.
When the application was refused by the Council, we recommended appealing the refusal to our client. We were confident that the proposal was policy compliant and that we could address the Council’s reasons for refusal through the appeal process.
The Appeal
During the appeal process, we paid careful attention to rebutting the matters raised by the Council, including references to other precedents in the area. This included addressing the impact of the proposal on the character and appearance of the area which was the Council’s key reason for refusal. We demonstrated the mixed architecture in the local area and the variety of roof forms and provided information to show that most of the nearby properties have utilised roof space, with a number featuring dormer windows. We also responded to issues raised by the Council about the spacing between the proposal and the existing dwellings and showed that the height of the dwellings would be acceptable, given the sloping nature of the road.
The Inspector, in allowing the appeal, accepted our evidence and concluded that the proposed development would be to a high standard of development which would be complementary to the street scene.