Barn Conversion in Buckinghamshire

Local Authority



  • Agriculture and Rural
  • Residential
Decoration Decoration

Planning permission granted for barn conversion in Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Client Private
Architect F.J. Thompson & Co
Author Jonathan Jarman

Project Overview

Planning permission has successfully been obtained for the conversion of an existing barn located in the Chilterns Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and Green Belt, to create a new dwelling. For planning permission to be granted it was necessary to demonstrate that the existing building was of permanent construction and capable of conversion, which was done with the assistance of a structural engineer.

Due to the sensitive location in the Green Belt and AONB it was also necessary to show that the proposed conversion would not result in harm to the openness of the Green Belt or the intrinsic scenic beauty of the important landscape. In fact, Bell Cornwell was able to state that the proposals would be an enhancement and that the building’s conversion is a sustainable solution for the otherwise disused building.

The case officer accepted our arguments and the application was approved under delegated powers.

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