Local Authority
Surrey HeathServices
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has successfully obtained planning permission for the change of use of St Georges Industrial Estate, Camberley to include B8 Storage and Distribute to the existing B1(c) Industrial Processes and B2 General Industrial Uses.
Our client – Surrey Heath Borough Council, who is also the landowner, instructed us to prepare and submit an application which aimed to broaden the appeal of the industrial estate units to new occupiers. Due to a restrictive condition on the original planning application back in 1982, permitted development was unfortunately not a way forward.
Working alongside Hurst Warne – Commercial Property Surveyors, who are marketing the units, we submitted a change of use planning application. There were a few challenges to overcome during the application process with the Environmental Health Officer requiring a condition to be attached to the permission restricting the operating hours due to the proximity of neighbouring residential properties. As the industrial estate currently had no operating hour restrictions we requested that this be limited only to new B8 use occupiers, which the Council agreed.
The application was then required to be presented at the Council Planning Committee and was granted permission on 20th October 2017.
This case demonstrated that our regular engagement with Planning Officers at the Council enabled us to negotiate a limit on the restrictive condition that accompanied the planning permission.