Local Authority
East DevonServices
Advice and AppraisalsThe site comprises traditional agricultural buildings in need of restoration, alongside some commercial use. The scheme is a conversion-led residential redevelopment, which includes converting the traditional buildings into two residential dwellings to secure their long-term future, plus the construction of six new build dwellings to replace commercial floorspace. The new-build element was justified by the local planning authority’s inability to demonstrate a five year supply of housing, part of the site being previously developed land and the NPPF’s support for small sites, recognising that they can be built out quickly.
Residential Redevelopment in Woodbury
The application needed to be very robust in order to address a number of complexities, namely: heritage impact (there is a listed farmhouse to the east of the site); the loss of commercial floorspace; visual impact and accessibility, due to the site’s countryside location outside of a built-up area boundary.
The scheme was designed by Grainge Architects to a very high quality that is respectful of the rural character of the area.
On balance, planning officers recommended the application for refusal due to the site’s countryside location, citing poor access to daily services. The application did, however, have the support of Woodbury Parish Council and the local ward councillors and was called in for a planning committee determination. Bell Cornwell presented the merits of the scheme to members, who voted to overturn the officers’ recommendation and approve the application. Following the completion of a S106 Agreement to secure contributions towards off-site affordable housing and habitat mitigation, planning permission was granted.
Thanks to Grainge Architects, Bellamy Transport Consultancy, Redbay Design, Clarke Bond, Advanced Arboriculture, EcoLogic and X Consulting Engineers
If you have a similar project or need planning advice, please get in touch with us. We would love to hear from you.
With Bell Cornwell as your planning partner, you can unlock hidden value and maximize financial returns from your existing properties. Our knowledge of policies and proven track record navigating the system ensures the highest chance of securing planning permission.