Local Authority
Applications, Permitted Development and Prior ApprovalProject Overview
Ali & Rosemary Demin established the goose farm on this site in 2005 and live on the site. They have built a successful farm business, including the production of hazelnuts, truffles and fruit, in addition to rearing geese.
Bell Cornwell’s first involvement with the site was securing a variation to a condition on an existing planning permission. The accommodation that the Demins live in on the site was created through the conversion of the first floor of an existing barn and had been granted planning permission on appeal in 2008. The permission was subject to a condition limiting the occupation only to Mr Demin. This condition did not allow for any succession planning, particularly to enable Mrs Demin or their children to stay on the site in the event of Mr Demin’s death. It was unduly restrictive and did not comply with the model conditions recommended by the Government. In 2018 a variation of the condition was approved to give the family greater flexibility in the future.
The next task was to gain planning permission for three additional goose barns, which was also granted in 2018. The barns could not be built under agricultural permitted development rights because of a historic Article 4 Direction on part of the site, which removed those rights. The site is in the Green Belt and, as such, it was necessary to demonstrate to the Council that the development was essential and, therefore, appropriate development for this location. Further to that approval, planning permission was granted for a new vehicular access onto the main road, which was needed to allow for entry to the site by larger delivery vehicles that could not use the existing awkward access. This was justified in terms of Green Belt policy because it was necessary to support the agricultural operation.
The business has continued to grow and, as a result, prior approval was granted in 2022 under permitted development allowances for three further goose barns on part of the site where the Article 4 Direction does not apply. These met the permitted development criteria because they were needed to provide quarantine accommodation for the geese to meet DEFRA requirements.
It has been great working on this project and supporting the continued growth of this business and the Demin family.
“You have been a great help and we are delighted with what you have been able to achieve for us. We think you have done the impossible!”