Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has assisted a home owner in gaining planning permission for the erection of a new dwelling on the field next to his existing property. The field was originally intended for a dwelling in the early 20th, which was never built. Planning legislation now discourages new dwellings in the open countryside unless there is special justification for the development.
With emphasis on good quality design, an application was prepared and submitted to the Local Council for consideration with a focus on the history of the site as the justification for the proposal. The application was recommended for refusal by the Officers.
However, the support of all the neighbouring properties had been secured and the proposal was brought to the attention of the Local Councillor who requested that the application be considered by the Planning Committee. We then ensured that as many Members of the Planning Committee as possible had seen the site and were aware of the special circumstances of the site. Being armed with the information and in the knowledge that the application was widely supported by the locals, the Planning Committee granted permission for the dwelling.