Local Authority
ApplicationsProject Overview
Working with the West Wittering Estate and Morgan Carn, Bell Cornwell secured planning permission for the erection of a replacement beach cafe at West Wittering beach, a major visitor destination on the south coast which attracts about 500,000 visitors a year.
The site lies in a particularly sensitive location within the Chichester Harbour AONB and adjoining the Chichester and Langstone Harbour Ramsar and Special Protection Area and the Solent Maritime Special Area of Conservation. The site also adjoins the Chichester SSSI, an important habitat for overwintering birds.
Two earlier schemes were withdrawn following environmental concerns. In collaboration with specialist landscape and ecological consultants, Bell Cornwell worked closely with Chichester District Council, The Harbour Conservancy and Natural England to address these concerns through negotiation and the preparation of a detailed landscape and visual appraisal and appropriate assessment.