Local Authority
East DevonServices
Applications, AppealsProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has assisted Clinton Devon Estates and Cavanna Homes in securing outline and then reserved matters permission for a development of 40 homes, a new doctor’s surgery and open space on the edge of the village of Newton Poppleford in East Devon.
The opportunity to secure a permission for a large housing scheme in the AONB was identified because of the Council’s inability to meets its land supply. Having identified this opportunity, the land was chosen by Clinton Devon Estates as the site for a scheme given in its sustainable yet discreet location close to the centre of the village.
A scheme was drawn up which sought to deliver a range of clear benefits in terms of meeting the village’s stated need for a new doctor’s surgery, new affordable housing and amenity space. The proposals were developed into a detailed master plan in which the layout was set out as part of detailed package of landscape and ecological enhancements.
The site’s AONB location combined with fractious local politics meant that it was inevitable that the proposals would prove contentious. To progress the scheme right the way through the process, it was therefore not only necessary to secure outline and reserved matters approvals but also to overcome a legal challenge and submit two appeals.