Local Authority
Applications, Heritage and ConservationProject Overview
Bell Cornwell has secured planning permission for a mixed-use development in Southend.
The vacant barracks and buildings were the subject of a Development Brief prepared by the Council and the MoD. Gladedale Homes purchased the site on the basis of the Development Brief with a view to seeking planning permission for a mixed-use development to provide homes, commercial development and leisure and community uses. The development required the restoration and conversion of existing listed buildings on the site and appropriate new build development.
The challenge was to create a mixed and distinctive neighbourhood of over 400 dwellings, combining sympathetic contemporary new build development to complement the restored historic buildings and overall character of the site. The site required reinforcement of decaying sea defences to ensure the site was protected for the long term. It also demanded the restoration of the parade ground and cricket pitch and the creation of a heritage centre.
Bell Cornwell assisted in this process by obtaining an outline planning permission followed by various reserved matters approvals to secure the delivery of a high-quality development which was identified as an exemplar project by English Heritage in the publication The Government’s Statement on the Historic Environment for England.
Bell Cornwell also gained approval at appeal for the last phase of the residential development, which comprised 94 dwellings of a contemporary design adjacent to the conservation area and its listed buildings heritage assets.